Effortlessly Beautiful Red Rose Bouquet
Whether it’s a romantic gesture, a heartfelt apology, or simply a token of affection, our Freshly Cut Red Roses with Chocolate-covered Strawberries bouquet promises to delight and impress. Elevate your gifting game and make every moment unforgettable with this stunning ensemble of beauty and indulgence.
25 Big Freshly cut rich Red Rose flowers
Mixed Green leave flowers
4 Large Fresh juicy strawberry in white, milky and Dark gourmet chocolates
Sprinkled with coconut, red velvet, heart shaped sweet sprinkles
1 LED heart shaped red Light with batters
1 Red drawer case bay
Introducing our enchanting combination of Freshly Cut 25 Big Red Roses artfully intertwined with vibrant green leaves, presented in a striking red bag that adds a touch of elegance to any setting. This meticulously crafted bouquet exudes sophistication and charm, making it the perfect expression of love and appreciation for any occasion.
But that’s not all – nestled within this exquisite arrangement, discover a hidden drawer of indulgence: fresh strawberries dipped in decadent gourmet chocolate. Each luscious berry is meticulously selected for its ripeness and sweetness, then dipped in rich, velvety chocolate to create a delectable treat that tantalizes the taste buds.
Adding an extra touch of magic, this arrangement features built-in LED lights, casting a soft, romantic glow that enhances the ambiance and creates a truly unforgettable experience.
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