Grand Explosion of Love Bouquet
Elevate any occasion with our Freshly Cut 200 Rich Red Roses Bouquet, a symbol of love that speaks volumes without saying a word. Let the essence of passion and romance bloom with this magnificent floral masterpiece.
Introducing our luxurious bouquet of Freshly Cut 200 Rich Red Roses, a grand gesture of love and
admiration. Each rose meticulously selected for its exquisite beauty, vibrant hue, and intoxicating
fragrance, ensuring an unparalleled display of opulence and romance.
Wrapped in sumptuous decorative cellophane paper and adorned with a striking red bow ribbon, this bouquet is a stunning visual feast, destined to leave a lasting impression. Whether it’s a celebration of a milestone, a declaration of passion, or simply an expression of affection, these roses convey elegance and sophistication in abundance.
The rich red colour of each rose symbolizes deep love, desire, and devotion, making this bouquet the epitome of heartfelt emotion. Each bloom exudes timeless beauty and grace, creating an ambiance of romance and enchantment wherever it goes.
200pieces freshly cut large rich red roses
Red Cellophane paper
LED Light with Batteries
Red Ribbon and Bow
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